Gw2 Support Specter (2025)

1. Specter - Alacrity Support Healer - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds

  • Overview · Skill Bar · Equipment · Usage

  • Raid and Fractal build for Specter in GW2 that focuses on Healing and Support. This build is rated good.

2. Heal Alacrity Specter Build (Group PvE) - Hardstuck

  • Mentoring Streamers, teaching the Game and helping Players overcome their Anxiety. A Veteran GW and GW2 Player who found his way to Twitch. Started as the first ...

  • Heal Alacrity Specter is a Defensive Support that provides permanent , , , , and . This build also provides…

3. Specter - Alacrity Support Condi DPS - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds

4. Heal Support Specter Feedback & Suggestions - Guild Wars 2 Forums

  • Meer resultaten van

  • This post is purely focused on the PvE healer support variant of this elite specialization, not the DPS Alacrity one. This is assuming you're using Minstrel's or Plaguedoctor's, or in some cases Giver's (Swapping anything out instead of Plaguedoctor's or Minstrel's impacts the barriers significan...

5. Support Specter WvW Zerg Build - GuildJen

  • 15 jul 2023 · The Support Specter is a WvW build with good single target and AoE healing, boon application from the Scepter, Wells, and Shroud abilities.

  • The Support Specter is a WvW build with good single target and AoE healing, boon application from the Scepter, Wells, and Shroud abilities.

6. Condition Alacrity Specter Build (Group PvE) - Hardstuck

  • Condition Alacrity Specter is a strong offensive support that provides permanent and some , , and . This Build also provides , healing, and great Crowd Control ...

  • Condition Alacrity Specter is a strong offensive support that provides permanent  and some , , and . This Build also…

7. Heal Alacrity Specter Build - Guild Wars 2 - Snow Crows

  • 7 aug 2023 · Enter Shadow Shroud frequently to Heal allies and apply Alacrity. Applying Stealth to allies via Blinding Powder will grant Protection (and Barrier via Panaku' ...

  • Strike from the shadows with our Guild Wars 2 Heal Alacrity Specter build.

8. Specter - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

  • Specters excel at both damage dealing and support. Contents. 1 List of specter skills. 1.1 Profession mechanic. 1.1.1 Shadow Shroud. 1.2 Weapon skills. 1.2.1 ...

  • This article is about the thief elite specialization. For the class of weapon, see Scepter.

9. Condition Specter Alacrity DPS Build - GuildJen

  • 5 jun 2022 · The Condition Specter Alacrity DPS is a thief build with reliable ranged damage and CC that also provides support with boons and barrier.

  • The Condition Specter Alacrity DPS is a thief build with reliable ranged damage and CC that also provides support with boons and barrier.

10. Heal Alacrity Specter Gameplay Guide - Snow Crows

  • 11 dec 2023 · ... Guild Wars 2. Meta. Builds · Benchmarks. Community. Guides · Groups · Explore. Snow Crows. About Us · News Room · Support Us · Discord. © 2024 ...

  • A general overview of essential utilities, traits, and mechanics for Heal Alacrity Specter.

Gw2 Support Specter (2025)


Does outgoing healing affect barrier gw2? ›

Similar to healing, the barrier total a skill applies can be calculated using the following formula, where Coefficient and Base Value are parameters of the skill: (Coefficient * Healing Power) + Base Value. It is not affected by outgoing healing modifiers.

How is Specter gw2? ›

Specters are masters of shadow magic, using their scepters to wield dark forces in debilitating enemies. By utilizing their Shadow Shroud, the specter harnesses the power of shadow magic to debilitate their enemies and preserve the health of their allies.

How do you whisper in gw2? ›

Guild Wars 2 Chat Commands
  1. Say. /s or /say. Sends a message to everyone near your character.
  2. Talk to Guild. /g or /guild. Sends a message to your guild.
  3. Talk to Party. /p or /party. ...
  4. Talk to Squad. /d or /squad. ...
  5. Talk to Team. /t or /team. ...
  6. Yell. /y or /yell. ...
  7. Whisper. /w or /whisper. ...
  8. Whisper Reply. /r or /reply.
Aug 24, 2015

What is the most supportive class in GW2? ›

Druid and Chronomancer have pretty much defined the support role in GW2, making Mesmer and Ranger the best support classes.

Is heal better than barrier? ›

Heal is more useful since it can affect two champions at once. The extra movement speed is also more helpful for marksman that want to kite.

What is the strongest class in gw2? ›

Additionally, we have emphasized that there is no 'right' choice because Guild Wars 2 lets you play however you want.
  • 8 Warrior.
  • 7 Mesmer.
  • 6 Necromancer.
  • 5 Guardian.
  • 4 Elementalist.
  • 3 Revenant.
  • 2 Ranger.
  • 1 Thief.
Jan 21, 2023

What does KP mean in gw2? ›

Kill proof (often abbreviated as KP) is an unofficial term used among players for items and achievements that prove they have defeated a Raid, Strike Mission or Fractals of the Mists boss and are experienced with it.

What are the hardest encounters in gw2? ›

While Raids are considered to be the hardest PvE content in Guild Wars 2, each boss varies in difficulty.
  • Dhuum. ...
  • Conjured Amalgamate. ...
  • Twin Largos. ...
  • Qadim. Select difficulty. ...
  • Gate of Ahdashim. Select difficulty. ...
  • Cardinal Adina. Select difficulty. ...
  • Cardinal Sabir. Select difficulty. ...
  • Qadim the Peerless. Select difficulty.

What is the best Specter? ›

Best overall I'll have to say Protea specter. Ammo, health, energy, good damage that also provides CC. She was insane with Probo Cernos, but since they added ammo for specters I went back to Bubonico since it has infinite ammo and good base stats for a specter. And a tip for anyone using any form of Warframe specter.

Can you hide in Specter 2? ›

Hiding is a crucial part during hunts, unlike in its prequel game, Specter. Instead of running from the ghost, you can hide in closets and such until the hunt is over.

How strong is the Specter? ›

Nigh-Omnipotence/Divine Empowerment: As a servant of God, The Spectre is granted limitless power, being capable of nearly any feat within his imagination. The Spectre is said to be the most powerful, being second to only The Presence.

What is the cooldown for stuck gw2? ›

/stuck — teleports the player to a nearest walkable point (it gets canceled if the player moves, gets into combat, or does any other action within 30 seconds after using this command, and has a cool-down of 2 minutes. Once moved back to spawn, the /stuck command has a cool-down of 10 minutes).

How do you salute in gw2? ›

Use the "/salute" emote.

How do you beat whisper? ›

Block Whisper Rubrum's Firaga and Crimson Arc and you'll generate enough ATB with Steadfast Block to be able to mount an attack once you're done guarding. Switch to Barret and charge his ATB gauge and use Prayer whenever the party needs healing, or use Chakra on Cloud if he's taking more than his fair share of damage.

What is the difference between incoming and outgoing healing? ›

Outgoing heal is what YOU give when you (or your pet) casts a healing spell. Imagine your heal as a wave of energy you are sending out. Incoming heal is the boost you RECEIVE when any healing spell is cast on you.

What does healing power affect gw2? ›

Healing Power is a secondary attribute that improves healing performed by the character, including healing from skills, traits, the regeneration boon, and certain other effects. Healing power does not affect the revival process.

What is the best self healing class in gw2? ›

In group content like that, playing as a designated healer is much more enjoyable and efficient on a character that is well-built for the job.
  • 8 Thief - Specter. ...
  • 7 Necromancer - Scourge. ...
  • 6 Revenant - Herald. ...
  • 5 Mesmer - Chronomancer. ...
  • 4 Elementalist - Tempest. ...
  • 3 Guardian - Firebrand. ...
  • 2 Engineer - Mechanist. ...
  • 1 Ranger - Druid.
Apr 13, 2023

What is the highest damage class in gw2? ›

Additionally, we have emphasized that there is no 'right' choice because Guild Wars 2 lets you play however you want.
  • 8 Warrior.
  • 7 Mesmer.
  • 6 Necromancer.
  • 5 Guardian.
  • 4 Elementalist.
  • 3 Revenant.
  • 2 Ranger.
  • 1 Thief.
Jan 21, 2023

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.